I have three favorite seasons: Spring, Summer and Fall. Spring comes in softly with pastels while Fall screams with color and does not go gently into that good night of winter. Honestly I could just paint Autumn, especially October. I go crazy for the color and textures. Enjoy!
If you are interested in purchasing any of the work please contact me. I want them all to find a good home!
All images are copyrighted.

October Red, 16 x 20 inches, oil. ©Ann Scott 2024

Oblong Road Gold, 12 x 9 inches, oil. ©Ann Scott 2024

My windy day set up as I painted on Oblong Road. All those leaves are gone now....
September's Garden #1, 16 x 12 inches, oil. ©Ann Scott 2024
Chenail Farm Stand, 8 x 10 inch, oil. Plein air. ©Ann Scott 2024
Yellow, 20 x 15 inches, watercolor. ©Ann Scott
SOLD. Orange Leaves. 20 x 15, watercolor. ©Ann Scott

SOLD October Orange, 12 x 16, watercolor. ©Ann Scott

SOLD Untitled, 20 x 16 inches, watercolor. ©Ann Scott